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Welcome to RoboCompass

Responsible Robotics Compass

Welcome to the RoboCompass, an innovative tool designed to assess the non-technological aspects of responsible robotics.

Let’s start the assessment!

What is your system's name?

Let’s start the assessment!

What sector are you from?

Select one or more sectors.

After selecting a sector, changes cannot be made - so choose wisely!

Let’s start the assessment!


Select from 1 to 9.

After selecting a TRL, changes cannot be made - so choose wisely!











Technology development and testing

Initial prototypes are developed and tested in a laboratory environment

Let’s start the assessment!

Choose your priorities.

These are up to you! These sliders allow you to set the importance of different categories in the assessment of your system. Adjust them based on your customers' requirements and use case.

What is Data?

This category measures how the robot and associated system collect, manage and use data.

What is Environment?

This category measures the ecological impact of the robot during the entirety of its lifecycle.

What is Human Experience?

This category measures how the use of the robot can impact the well-being and trust of the humans around it, both in professional and public settings.

What is Legal?

This category evaluates the risk of legal issues (accountability of the robot, governance of the developments, and compliance to regulations) during the development and the functioning of the robot.

What is Socio-economic?

This category measures how the development, deployment and use of the robot impact the socio-economic situation across different economic areas

Priorities Info

Please choose at least one area that is important for your robot

Electra v4

Created 17.03.2023

This is where your assessment takes place! Choose an area to calculate your global score.

Your global score is 0%




0% completed

What is Socio-economic?

Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus.


risk score


mitigation score




0% completed

What is Socio-economic?

Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus.


risk score


mitigation score



Human experience

0% completed

What is Socio-economic?

Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus.


risk score


mitigation score




0% completed

What is Socio-economic?

Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus.


risk score


mitigation score




0% completed

What is Socio-economic?

Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus.


risk score


mitigation score

Electra v4

Created 17.03.2023


Please answer the following questions.






Does the robot collect the following data?


What mitigation steps are put in place for data collection risks?






Is this data stored between startups? How?


What mitigation steps are put in place for data storage risks?






How is the collected data being used?


What mitigation steps are put in place for data usage risks?






Do you use datasets external to the robot?


How are the risks caused by external data mitigated?

Electra v4

Created 17.03.2023


Please answer the following questions.






What are the ecological risks posed by the production of the robot?


How are these risks mitigated?






How can the logistics around the robot impact the environment?


How are these risks mitigated?






How can the operation of the robot impact the environment?


How are these risks mitigated?






What environmental impact can the robot have beyond its initial usage cycle?


How can these risks be mitigated?

Electra v4

Created 17.03.2023

Human experience

Please answer the following questions.




How can the robot impact the professional life?


How are professional risks mitigated?




How can the robot impact the life of people outside of work environments?


How are these risks mitigated?

Electra v4

Created 17.03.2023


Please answer the following questions.





What can the impact of the robot be on the development of different economic areas?


What are the mitigation strategies in place?





How can the robot impact the equality of humans?


What are the mitigation steps put in place?





How can the robot impact the labour market?


How can this impact be mitigated?

Tool Info

Responsible Robotics Compass: Prepare your robot for the future

Responsible Robotics Compass: Prepare your robot for the future

Welcome to the RoboCompass, an innovative tool designed to assess the non-technological aspects of responsible robotics. Whether you are a robotics manufacturer, a small or large company, a researcher from industry or academia, or even an EU-funded project or policymaker, the RoboCompass is here to help you.

Our assessment tool provides a comprehensive overview of the development of the aspects which affect the acceptance of a robot, such as socio-economic issues, human experience, environment, legal and data.

Before the assessment starts, you have to choose the importance that each of these aspects have in your system. You should adjust them based on your customers’ requirements and use case. After choosing your priorities, you’re directed to the dashboard, where your assessment takes place. You must choose an area to calculate your global score. Once you click on an area, the real assessment starts. You will be asked different questions, divided into two parts:

  • The risk assessment questions, where you’ll identify the hazards and risks associated with the different robot’s dimensions.
  • The mitigation assessment, that mentions possible actions that you can take to positively impact the perception of your technology.

In addition to performing diagnostics and assessments, RoboCompass also provides personalised recommendations to improve your system. For each category, you’ll find a list of advice and resources according to your risks and mitigation actions.

By using RoboCompass, you choose a user-friendly, intuitive and easily accessible tool that offers a 360-degree overview of societal issues that might affect your robot. In addition to performing diagnostics and assessments, RoboCompass also provides personalised recommendations to improve your project. Track your progress and find useful resources in our Robospot ecosystem and AI-on-Demand (AIoD) platform.

Now is the time to prepare for the future of robotics. Find out if your robots are ready to be accepted by society. Experience RoboCompass and take your innovation to the next level.

Your feedback and opinions are important for the continuous improvement of this tool. Help us test the tool here.

Welcome to RoboCompass


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Privacy policy

Privacy policy

This privacy policy governs the use of your personal data by Robotics4EU PROJECT – This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017283 – ; communicate with us via e-mail, telephone, fax, the contact form available on the website and our social medial channels; e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube (hereafter referred to as “Social Media Channels”); or interact with us at fairs and events.

NOTE: If you want information on how we process personal data via cookies on our Website, you are kindly referred to our Cookie Policy.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

1.1 Your personal data are processed by Globaz, S.A, dissemination and communication partner of Robotics4EU PROJECT – this project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017283. You can contact us via e-mail at

1.2 Globaz S.A reserves the right to modify, change or amend this Privacy Policy at its own discretion and from time to time. Such modifications, changes or amendments shall be communicated via the Website. In case of questions or comments with regard to the modifications, changes or amendments, you can inform us by sending an e-mail to

2. What categories of personal data do we process?2.1 When you fill out the contact form on our Website, or contact us via e-mail, telephone, fax or Social Media Channels, we collect:

2.1 When you fill out the contact form on our Website, or contact us via e-mail, telephone, fax or Social Media Channels, we collect:

  • the basic identity information you provide us with, such as name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, the company you work for, your function;
  • the content of your communication and the technical details of the communication itself (with whom you correspond at our end, date and time, etc.);
  • your preferences regarding receiving our e-mail communications, such as newsletters, advertisements, etc;
  • electronic identification data, such as IP address;
  • publicly available information of your profile on Social Media Channels and any other personal data you choose to provide to us.

3. For what purpose do we use your personal data?

3.1 Globaz, S.A processes your personal data to provide you in a personalized and efficient way with the information, products and/or services you request via the Website, e-mail, telephone, fax, Social Media Channels and fairs and events.

3.2 Globaz, S.A processes your personal data to communicate with you as a result of our contact at a trade fair and/or event or as a result of your approach via the Website, e-mail, telephone, fax or one of our Social Media Channels.

3.3 Globaz, S.A processes your personal data to perform statistical analyses so that we may improve our Website, our products and services or develop new products and services.

3.4 Globaz, S.A processes your personal data to comply with legal obligations or to comply with any reasonable request from competent law enforcement agents or representatives, judicial authorities, governmental agencies or bodies, including competent data protection authorities. Your personal data may be transferred upon Robotics4EU PROJECT’s own initiative to the police or the judicial authorities as evidence or if there are justified suspicions of an unlawful act or crime committed by you through your registration with or use of the Website, our Social Media Channels or other communication with us.

3.5 Globaz, S.A may process your personal data for informing any third party in the context of a possible merger with, acquisition from/by or demerger by that third party, even if that third party is located outside the EU.

3.6 Globaz, S.A may process your personal data for the preservation of the legitimate interests of Robotics4EU PROJECT, its partners or a third party if and when your registration with, or use of, the Website, Social Media Channels or other communication channels can be considered (a) a violation of any applicable terms of use or the intellectual property rights or any other right of a third party, (b) a threat to the security or integrity of the Website, (c) a danger to the Website or any of Robotics4EU PROJECT’s or its subcontractors’ underlying systems due to viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, malware or any other form of malicious code, or (d) in any way hateful, obscene, discriminating, racist, slanderous, spiteful, hurtful or in some other way inappropriate or illegal.

3.7 Globaz, S.A processes your personal data mentioned under clauses 2.1, 2.2 above for marketing purposes, i.e. to provide you with targeted communications, promotions, offerings and other advertisements of Robotics4EU PROJECT and selected partners. Robotics4EU PROJECT will only send you communications, promotions, offerings, newsletters and other advertisements via e-mail or other person-to-person electronic communications channels if you have explicitly consented to receiving such communications, newsletters and other advertisements.

4. Why is our processing of your personal data legitimate?

4.1 For the processing of your personal data for the purpose outlined in clause 3.1, we ask for your consent.

4.2 The processing of your personal data for the purpose outlined in clause 3.4 is necessary to allow Robotics4EU PROJECT to comply with its legal obligations.

4.3 The processing of your personal data for the purposes outlined in clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.6 and 3.7 is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests of Robotics4EU PROJECT, which are:

  • being able to appropriately respond to your requests for information and other requests;
  • communicate your personal data to our partners in the XPRESS project to provide you with adequate information;
  • allowing us to defend ourselves in legal proceedings;
  • continuous improvements to the Website, our Social Media Channels, products and services to ensure that you have the best experience possible;
  • keeping our Website, Social Media Channels, products and services safe from misuse and illegal activity;
  • safeguarding our commercial and business interests and needs in light of changing market conditions.
  • marketing and promotion of our products, services, brands an overall successful commercialization of our products and services.

4.4 For processing your personal data for the purposes outlined in in clause 3.1, Globaz, S.A as the responsible party asks for your consent. By consenting to our processing of your personal data for sending you communications, promotions, offerings, newsletters and other advertisements via e-mail or other person-to-person electronic communications channels, you agree that we are allowed to process your personal data for this purpose in the manner and under the conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy.

5. What are our quality assurances?

5.1 Globaz, S.A does its utmost to process only those personal data which are necessary to achieve the purposes listed under the purpose for processing.

5.2 Your personal data is processed only for as long as necessary for the purposes listed above or up until such time where you withdraw your consent for processing them. Globaz, S.A will de-identify your personal data when they are no longer necessary for the purposes outlined in the purpose for processing, unless there is:

  • an overriding interest of Robotics4EU PROJECT or any other third party in keeping your personal data identifiable;
  • a legal or regulatory obligation or a judicial or administrative order that prevents Robotics4EU PROJECT from de-identifying them.

5.3 Globaz, S.A will take the appropriate technical and organizational measures to keep your personal data safe from unauthorized access or theft as well as accidental loss, tampering or destruction. Access by personnel of Globaz, S.A or its third party processors will only be on a need-to-know basis and subject to strict confidentiality obligations. You understand, however, that safety and security are best efforts obligations only, which can never be guaranteed.

6. What are your rights?

6.1 You have the right to request access to all personal data processed by Globaz, S.A pertaining to you.Globaz, S.A reserves the right to charge an administrative fee for multiple subsequent requests for access that are clearly submitted for causing nuisance or harm to Robotics4EU PROJECT.

6.2 You have the right to ask that any personal data pertaining to you that are inaccurate, are corrected free of charge. If a request for correction is submitted, such request shall be accompanied of proof of the flawed nature of the data for which correction is asked.

6.3 You have the right to withdraw your earlier given consent under clause 4.4 for processing your personal data.

6.4 You have the right to request that personal data pertaining to you will be deleted if they are no longer required in light of the purposes which are outlined above or if you withdraw your consent for processing them. However, you need to keep in mind that a request for deletion will be evaluated by Globaz, S.A against:

  • overriding interests of Robotics4EU PROJECT or any other third party;
  • legal or regulatory obligations or administrative or judicial orders which may contradict such deletion.

Instead of deletion you can also ask that Globaz, S.A limits the processing of your personal data if and when (a) you contest the accuracy of that data, (b) the processing is illegitimate or (c) the data are no longer needed for the purposes which are outlined above, but you need them to defend yourself in judicial proceedings.

6.5 You have the right to oppose the processing of personal data if you are able to prove that there are serious and justified reasons connected with his particular circumstances that warrant such opposition. However, if the intended processing qualifies as direct marketing, you have the right to oppose such processing free of charge and without justification.

6.6 You have the right to receive from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format all personal data you have provided to us.

6.7 If you wish to submit a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you can send an e-mail to for all data subject rights matters. An e-mail requesting to exercise a right shall not be construed as consent with the processing of your personal data beyond what is required for handling your request. Such request should clearly state and specify which right you wish to exercise and the reasons for it if such is required. It should also be dated and signed, and accompanied by a digitally scanned copy of your valid identity card proving your identity.

Robotics4EU PROJECT will promptly inform you of having received this request. If the request proves valid, Robotics4EU PROJECT shall notify it as soon as reasonably possible and at the latest thirty (30) days after having received the request.

If you have any complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by Globaz, S.A, you may always contact Robotics4EU PROJECT via the e-mail address mentioned in the first paragraph of this clause. If you remain unsatisfied with Robotics4EU PROJECT’s response, you are free to file a complaint with the competent data protection authority, i.e. the data protection authority of the country where you reside or the Portuguese data protection authority (Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados). For more information, visit

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Robotics4EU Project may use cookies to memorise the data you use when logging to Robotics4EU website, gather statistics to optimise the functionality of the website and to carry out marketing campaigns based on your interests.

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